In 2022, six study programs at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FFMS UB) received international accreditation from the Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programs (AQAS), which is an international accreditation institution located in Germany. The six study programs that received international accreditation include the Bachelor’s Program in Aquatic Resources Management, the Bachelor’s Program in Fisheries Product Technology, the Bachelor’s Program in Fisheries Agribusiness, the Bachelor’s Program in Fisheries Resource Utilization, the Bachelor’s Program in Marine Science and the Master’s Program in Aquaculture.
On Saturdays (9-10 December 2023), located in Batu, East Java, the AQAS international accreditation task force team intensively carried out evaluation activities for the final follow-up documents on recommendations from the AQAS accreditation agency.
The evaluation activity was led by the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, FFMS UB, Prof. Asep Awaludin Prihanto and the Head of the task force team, Dr. Defri Yona. The team discussed the finalization of documents in the form of a draft education curriculum for 2024, course structure for each study program, several service improvements at FFMS UB (Integrated Service Unit for Sexual Violence and Bullying along with UB Care services).
An update on the finalization of the final AQAS report document will be sent to the AQAS expert panel on December 31 2023. [YFS]