Tuesday (April 23rd, 2024), the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FFMS UB) welcomed the visit of Prof. Alison Baker from the University of Leeds, UK. The visitation of Prof. Baker is part of a research collaboration involving three countries: England, Thailand and Indonesia. This visit was in order to strengthen research on Duckweed (Matalele Plant), which has potential as feed for Tilapia/Tilapia Fish. This research involves collaboration between the University of Leeds, Asian Institute of Technology, Universitas Brawijaya, Institut Pertanian Bogor and Universitas Negeri Malang.

Prof. Baker discussed with Universitas Brawijaya (UB) lecturers and researchers regarding research procedure techniques related to Duckweed. Apart from that, Prof. Baker also evaluated UB’s facilities that support research activities, especially at FFMS. This visit opens up opportunities to establish research collaboration between institutions and expand connections between researchers in the field of fish immunology research. Apart from that, dissemination of research results will involve fish farmers in East Java. The benefits for students involved in this collaboration will be learning research experimental models both in the laboratory and in the field.
During this visit, Prof. Alison Baker also surveyed the UB laboratory area involved in the research. In particular, visits to molecular and cellular laboratories are related to gut microbiome analysis in fish.

During this visit, Prof. Alison Baker accompanied by the Dean of FFMS, Prof. Maftuch, analyst and head of the Central Laboratory for Life Sciences (LSIH) dr. Aulia Rahmi Pawestri, Ph.D. and Midia Lestari Wahyu Handayani, Ph.D. as well as the head of the FFMS aquaculture laboratory, Dr. Yunita Maimunah to survey the UB laboratory area involved in the research. In particular, visits to molecular and cellular laboratories are related to gut microbiome analysis in fish.

The series of visits continued to the Air Tawar Laboratory Sumberpasir of FFMS by Dr. Alonso Miller from the University of Leeds accompanied by Prof. Maftuch, Dr. Yunita Maimunah and laboratory technician at the Sumberpasir Fresh Water Laboratory. Dr. Alonso Miller reviewed the facilities and facilities in the area that could support research on duckweed as tilapia fish feed. [ALF]