On May 16 2024, in the Exhibition Hall, 1st Floor, Main Building of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FFMS UB), an important Collaboration Agreement was signed between the Center for Information Management of Marine and Fisheries Resources (BPISDKP) Center for Data, Statistics and Information, Secretariat General Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries with FFMS UB. This event was attended by a number of important figures from both parties, including the Dean, Vice Dean, Head of Departments, Secretary of the Departments, Head of Study Programs, Head and Secretary of BPPM, Expert Staff to the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Head of the Mexma research group from FFMS UB, and Dr. Teja Arief Wibawa as The Chair of BPISDKP-KKP. Synthesa Praharani Ksatriya, S.IK, M.Sc. Secretary General of KPP, Rizki Mutia, SH, M.Kn. from the KKP Legal Bureau also attended the event.

In his speech, the Dean of FFMS UB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Maftuch, M.Si, expressed his gratitude for the collaboration between BPISDKP-KKP and FFMS UB. He emphasized the important role of campuses in the context of government and the implementation of activities at the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. The Dean also highlighted the role of the campus as a source of enlightenment for stakeholders and partners, as well as the need for collaboration between the campus and the government to achieve various development goals outside the campus environment.

Signing of the Collaboration Agreement by FFMS UB with BPISDKP-KKP
Signing of the Collaboration Agreement by FFMS UB with BPISDKP-KKP

This collaboration agreement aims to share data and information to support human resource development in the marine and fisheries sector. The benefits of this collaboration include facilitating the provision of Geospatial data and information such as radar satellite data, fish catch data and ship movement data, as well as assistance from experts in the field of geospatial information on marine and fisheries resources for national and international seminar activities. Apart from that, this collaboration also includes joint scientific publications, providing bestari partners in scientific journals, using practitioner lecturers to teach courses related to geospatial data and information on marine and fisheries resources, as well as accepting students for practical field work and the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka program.

This collaboration marks an important step in joint efforts to optimize potential and overcome various challenges that exist in the marine and fisheries sector. With synergy between academic institutions and the government, it is hoped that a significant impact will be created for the progress and sustainability of this sector. [ALF]

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