The meeting and collaboration event between the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Brawijaya (FFMS UB), and the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Riau, took place on Thursday, June 6, 2024, in the Main Building’s second-floor meeting room at FFMS UB. The UNRI delegation included Prof. Dr. Nofrizal, S.Pi, M.Si. (Vice Dean I), Ir. Jonny Zain, M.Si. (Vice Dean III), Prof. Dr. Ir. Ferlianta, DEA (Head of the Doctoral Program in Marine Science), Dr. Ir. Niken Ayu Pamungkas, M.Si. (Head of the Department of Aquaculture), Polaris, S.T., M.T. (Head of the Department of Aquatic Resource Management), Dr. Sumarto, S.Pi, M.Si. (Head of the Department of Fishery Products Technology), Dr. Ir. Adelina, M.Si. (Secretary of the Department of Aquaculture), Dr. Ir. Alit Hindriyani, M.Sc. (Secretary of the Department of Aquatic Resource Management), Dr. Andarini Dihari, S.Pi, M.Si. (Secretary of the Department of Fishery Products Technology), and several other leaders from Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science UNRI.

On the other hand, the FFMS UB team welcoming this visit consisted of the Dean of FFMS UB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Maftuch, M.Si, the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Sc. Asep Awaludin Prihanto, S.Pi, MP., expert staff of the Vice Dean, Head of the Study Program of Aquatic Resource Utilization, Head of the Department of Aquatic Resource Management, Secretary of the Doctoral Program, Secretary of the Aquatic Resource Utilization Study Program, and several other leaders from FFMS UB.
The event was opened by Prof. Dr. Sc. Asep Awaludin Prihanto, S.Pi, MP., who welcomed the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science UNRI delegation. He emphasized the importance of active participation from all related parties, including Heads of Study Programs, study program secretaries, laboratory representatives, and other competent parties. The opening ceremony was conducted in a relaxed atmosphere, with the hope that the goals of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science UNRI’s visit to FFMS UB would be successfully achieved.
The next speech was delivered by Prof. Dr. Nofrizal, S.Pi, M.Si, who serves as Vice Dean I of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science UNRI. In his speech, he explained the purpose of the benchmarking visit, particularly in the field of management that has developed at Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science UNRI with its excellent accreditation. However, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science UNRI aims to achieve international accreditation and wishes to learn from the experience of FFMS UB, which has already obtained international accreditation. Additionally, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science UNRI plans to establish cooperation through an MoU for the MBKM program, enabling UNRI students to study at UB and vice versa.
Dean of FFMS UB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Maftuch, M.Si, expressed his hopes that this visit would be an inspiring moment for sharing knowledge and discussion. Prof. Maftuch also conveyed his pride as FFMS UB has successfully accredited six study programs internationally by AQAS Germany. This achievement is the result of the hard work and dedication of the FFMS UB team over a long journey. The six internationally accredited programs include the Master’s Program in Aquaculture, Bachelor’s Program in Marine Science, Bachelor’s Program in Aquatic Resource Management, Bachelor’s Program in Fishery Products Technology, Bachelor’s Program in Fisheries Agribusiness, and Bachelor’s Program in Aquatic Resource Utilization. Regarding quality assurance at UB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Maftuch explained that these efforts have been evolving since the early 2000s under the leadership of Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Yogi Sugito. The quality assurance structure includes the Quality Assurance Management (PJM) at the university level, the Quality Assurance Task Force at the faculty level, and the Quality Assurance Units at the department level, all of which are connected and coordinated. PJM conducts two internal academic quality audits annually, while the non-academic audits are conducted by the SPI, covering governance and financial aspects, with each program being audited every semester to ensure continuous improvement. [ALF]