Departement of Fisheries Marine Resources Management (MSPK) has 7 study programs that have been accredited by National Accreditation Board, they are:
Accreditation of the Aquatic Resources Management Study Program is “Unggul” (4643/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.Ppj/S/VI/2024)
Accreditation of the Fisheries Product Technology Study Program is “Unggul” (1368/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.Ppj/S/IV/2023)
Accreditation of the Aquaculture Study Program is “Unggul” (6523/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.Ppj/S/IX/2022)
Accreditation of Master of Aquaculture Study Program is “Unggul” (1367/SK/BAN-PT/AK.Ppj/M/IV/2023)
Accreditation of the Doctoral of Fisheries and Marine Science Study Program is “Unggul” (2910/SK/BAN-PT/Ak/D/VII/2023)
Accreditation of PSDKU Aquaculture is “Baik” (10931/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/IX/2021)
The following is the MSPK Department’s Strategic Plan: RENSTRA Departemen MSPK 2024-2029
Welcome to the Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources Management (FMRM).
We are home of experts who are dedicated to optimising Fisheries and Marine Resources Management by maintaining ecosystem balance and sustainability. The vision and mission of the FMRM Department are:
Vision of FMRM Department
The vision of FMRM Department is to become a department with international standards by implementing fisheries and marine entrepreneurial strategies and being able to play an active role in producing quality human resources in managing fisheries resources in a sustainable manner, optimising the productivity of fisheries resources with an environmentally friendly aquaculture system engineering and becoming a scientific information centre in fishery product technology through the process of aligning education, research and community service.
Mission or FMRM Department
The mission of the Department of FMRM are:
The FMRM Department provides various resources, including Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) which can be accessed at, which is comprehensive and up-to-date information on undergraduate, master, and doctoral scholarships including MBKM
The FMRM Department is supported by experienced and competent human resources, as well as various facilities such as health facilities, disability facilities, digital library, counselling services, sports facilities and internet networks.
Join us through to be part of the solution to the future challenges of Fisheries and Marine Resources Management.
Aquatic Resource Management provides a set of curriculum to produce graduates capable of managing aquatic resources and fisheries with insightful environmentally. To complete the study, students are required to take a minimum SKS of 144 credits consisting of compulsory subjects of 127 credits and 17 credits of elective courses. Study time can be reached 8 – 14 semesters. Implementation of education and teaching undertaken by the Study Program of Aquatic Resource Management is a lecture, doing tasks, practicum, doing research final task that is PKL (internship) and thesis, which ends with seminars and exams. In addition, to be able to hold a bachelor’s degree, students are required to pass a computer and TOEFL exam with a minimum score of 450. Aquatic Resource Management Study Program has three kinds of study centers which are the scope of science studied namely Environmental Sciences Waters, Coastal and Marine Resource Management, and Biotechnology Aquatic Resources.
Active Students
To become an institution that is able to sustainably compete at the International level in 2025
To organize the learning processes to obtain quality graduates who are relevant to the development of science and technology and entrepreneurship in the field of water resources and empowering the fishing community through the process of education, research and community service.
Aquaculture is an established study program aimed at studying aquaculture technologies and management as well as management of aquaculture activities ranging from freshwater, brackish and sustainable waters (Sustainable Aquaculture). The focus of assessment or interest on certain issues in aquaculture activities is reflected in the student’s final assignment. The focus of recitation is Reproduction and Breeding Fish, Fish Nutrition, Parasites and Fish Disease, and Aquaculture Management.
Active Students
To become an institution that produce qualified, excellent and internationally standardized human resources and to be able to optimize the productivity of fisheries resources using sustainable aquaculture in 2025.
To organize the learning processes which includes education, research and community service for developing qualified graduates who have future insight, discipline, highly moral and entrepreneurial mindset.
Fisheries Products Technology study program organizes education, research and community service in the scope of Fisheries Product Technology in accordance with guidelines set by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education by prioritizing the quality of graduates who are ready to face the global competition. Improving the ability of students is done by orienting to the needs of industry and society in the context of sustainable fisheries development.
Active Students
Being an excellent study program in education, research, and community service, scientific information center on product diversification, quality improvement, and development of traditional fishery products. Plays an active role in the design and development of production systems of small and medium enterprises based on fisheries in order to anticipate globalization.
Conducting teaching and learning process that produces high-quality, forward-looking, discipline, and high morale, entrepreneurial spirit that is relevant to the needs of Fisheries Product Technology undergraduate degree by seeking academic nuances that are conducive.
Active Students
Number of active students of Technology of Fishery Study Program until 2019/2020 as many as 36 people with the number of teachers as many as 25 people with S3 educational strata (3 professors). Alumni that have been produced as many as > 300 people spread in various regions with the scope of work as civil servants, consultants, SOEs, Industries, Banking, Researchers, Entrepreneurs, and Lecturers.
Active Students
Number of active students of Technology of Fishery Study Program until 2019/2020 as many as 27 people with the number of teachers as many as 26 people with S3 educational strata (3 professors). Alumni that have been produced as many as > 160 people spread in various regions with the scope of work as civil servants, consultants, SOEs, Industries, Banking, Researchers, Entrepreneurs and Lecturers.
History of the Study Program Outside the Main Campus (PSDKU) Aquaculture is a development of the Aquaculture Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang which has obtained A accreditation with BAN-PT Decree Number 3744/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/ X/2017. To anticipate the development of aquaculture production, the need for workers in the aquaculture sector, as well as the community’s need for undergraduate education, especially high school graduates. So in line with the Permit for Opening Study Programs Outside the Main Campus which was stipulated by the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number 944/KPT/I/2018, Universitas Brawijaya opened a Study Program Outside the Main Campus (PSDKU), namely PSDKU Aquaculture. Apart from that, there is an urgency based on the high number of people interested in the Aquaculture study program at Brawijaya University, Malang which cannot be accommodated, so this is being followed up by opening a new study program. Thus, there are still many employment opportunities in the field of aquaculture, for graduates of the PSDKU Aquaculture Bachelor’s study program.
PSDKU Aquaculture was founded and is intended to study the science and technology of aquaculture cultivation as well as the management of aquaculture activities in fresh, brackish and marine waters in a sustainable manner by making technology, engineering and management of ornamental fish cultivation and entrepreneurship as characteristics of scientific excellence in aquaculture and in accordance with one of the characteristics of Brawijaya University as an Entrepreneur University towards a World Class University with a study focus, namely:
To become an institution that produces quality, superior and international standard human resources and is able to optimize the productivity of fisheries resources by engineering freshwater, brackish and marine aquaculture systems that are environmentally friendly by 2035
Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Brawijaya
Jln. Veteran Malang, 65145 Jawa Timur Indonesia