Department of Socio-Economy Fisheries and Marine has 1 study program that has been accredited by National Accreditation Board (BAN), namely Bachelor Degree Program of Fisheries Agrobusiness (AP) accreditation “Unggul” (916/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.Ppj/S/III/2023)
SK Mendikbud no. 0174/0/1983 and SK Dirjendikbud no. 118 / Dikti / 1984 as the basis for the implementation of Socio-Economy Fisheries Study Program which is accredited with the value of “A” based on SK BAN PT. 014 / BAN-PT / Ak-X / S1 / IX / 2006 dated September 7, 2006. Then, with SK Dikti Year 2008 and Rector’s Decree no. 092 / SK / 2008, SEP Study Program increased its status to Department of Socio-Economy Fisheries and Marine with one program study of Fisheries Agrobusiness based on SK Dirjen Dikti No. 163 / Dikti / Kep / 2006. Thus, at the Admissions Selection Selection T.A. 2010/2011, with the official name of the Study Program “Fisheries Agrobusiness (Socio-Economy Fisheries)”.
Becoming an international standard of excellence program in sustainable fisheries development based on Blue Economy principle and entrepreneurship spirit.
Active Students
The National Stage where there is an Institutional Transition and a National Competitiveness Capacity, at this stage initiated preparations for the achievement of the ASEAN scale. Likewise, the PS AP (SEP) at this stage has moved towards the national stage. Much has been achieved in this national stage, from participation in national forums to achievements gained from human resources based in the AP / SEP Study Program.
The regional stage in which the achievement of competitiveness in the ASEAN region as well as entering the achievement stage of ASIA. The PS AP (SEP) at this stage has undertaken several activities that indicate regional achievement by involving human resources of PS AP (SE AP) in ASIA level activities. Even in the year 2017 the PS AP has initiated the establishment of MoU between Universitas Brawijjaya and University Malaysia Terengganu yag become the door of the establishment of regional cooperation between the two sides, this cooperation includes the existence of knowledge sharing that was held in November 2017.
Global stage where the achievement of competitiveness in the Global environment, it is planned through the strategies set out in table 1.1.5, the planned step has been prepared by taking into account the base line owned to then developed based on SWOT analysis which became the basis of Self Evaluation document as well. Then translated in the work program based on the strategic plan Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences.
PSDKU Socio- economy Fisheries is a study program outside the main campus that provides undergraduate education in the field of fisheries socioeconomics. There are 3 (three) main competencies offered by PSDKU Socio- economy Fisheries, namely business and trade, resource economics, and fisheries social. PSDKU Socio- economy Fisheries aims to produce fisheries graduates who are pious, have the Pancasila ideology, have an entrepreneurial spirit, and are globally competitive who are able to develop and disseminate science and technology in the socio-economic field of fisheries to support sustainable fisheries development and improve the welfare of fishing communities.
To become a superior aquaculture study program with international standards by implementing a fisheries and marine entrepreneurial strategy in the field of aquaculture in 2023.
Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Brawijaya
Jln. Veteran Malang, 65145 Jawa Timur Indonesia