Laboratory usually (abbreviated as lab) is where scientific research, experiment, measurement or scientific training conducted Research activities and practicum by students or lecturers can be done centrally in the Laboratory. Laboratories are typically created to enable the conduct of these activities in a controlled manner. Based on UB Rector Decree Number 1274 Year 2020, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science has 9 laboratories as follows:
Laboratory Manager
In accordance with UB Rector Decree Number 1274 Year 2020 and UB Rector Decree Number 2020 Year 2020 on the Appointment of Head of Laboratory at Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Universitas Brawijaya Period 2020 – 2024 then the list can be seen below:
No | Name / NIP | Laboratory |
1 | Dr. Ir. Yahya, MP | Head of Science and Technology of Fisheries Product Laboratory |
2 | Dr. Yunita Maimunah, S.Pi, M.Sc | Head of Fish Culture Laboratory |
3 | Dr. Ir. Supriatna, M.Si | Head of Hydrobiology Laboratory |
4 | Eko Sulkhani Yulianto, S.Pi, M.Si | Head of Exploitation of Fisheries and Marine Resources Laboratory |
5 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Pudji Purwanti, MP | Head of Fisheries Socio-Economy Laboratory |
6 | M. Arif As'adi, S.Kel, M.Sc | Head of Exploration of Fisheries and Marine Resources Laboratory |
7 | Dr. Ir. Abd. Rahem Faqih, M.Si | Head of Freshwater Fish Culture Sumber Pasir Laboratory |
8 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Musa, MS | Head of Brackish Water Fish Culture Probolinggo Laboratory |
9 | Mochamad Arif Zanul Fuad, S.Kel, M.Sc | Head of Marine Station Sendang Biru Laboratory |