Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) is a national education program initiative released by the Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia. This activity provides opportunities for students to improve skills according to their talents and interests by getting internship programs into industry sectors or other social and research activities, as preparation for future careers. Through the program “student’s right to learn three semesters outside study program”, MBKM aims to improve the competence of graduates, both soft skills and hard skills, to be more prepared and relevant to the needs of the times, preparing graduates as future leaders of the nation with integrity and personality.
On this page, we can access information, guidelines and documents related to MBKM activities organized by FFMS UB.
MBKM FFMS documents can be accessed through the following link:
Please click the following link: Validation Form of MBKM Report
Please click the following link:
List of FFMS’ MBKM Subjects can be accessed in the following link: List of MBKM Subjects
MBKM merupakan kegiatan belajar mahasiswa yang lebih berorientasi pada peran aktif mahasiswa dalam mengembangkan potensi dimilikinya melalui pembelajaran di luar kampus dalam 8 bentuk pembelajaran ditawarkan, yaitu (1) pertukaran pelajar/mahasiswa, (2) magang/praktek kerja, (3) mengajar di unit pendidikan, (4) proyek kemanusiaan, (5) riset, (6) kewirausahaan, (7) proyek independen, dan (8) Membangun Desa. Masing-masing bentuk pembelajaran MBKM dilakukan pada semester aktif dan memiliki volume beban kerja mahasiswa maksimal 20 sks per semester. Semua rekognisi kredit di dalam implementasi MBKM harus dalam pembimbingan dosen dan tetap terkait dalam rangka pencapaian Learning Outcome PS (LOPS)
Please click the following link for more information about MBKM Program by Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia.
For more info about MBKM FFMS, please contact:
Academic Division of FFMS UB (Main Building of FFMS UB, 2nd Floor)
Tel. : (0341) 553-512
Fax : (0341) 557-837
E-mail : [email protected]
Address: FPIK UB
Jl. Veteran Malang, 65145
Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Brawijaya
Jln. Veteran Malang, 65145 Jawa Timur Indonesia