Integrated Service Unit for Sexual Violence and Bullying (ULTKSP) implemented by the Faculty, Postgraduate, Vocational Education, and Study Programs Outside the Main Campus of Universitas Brawijaya. This unit was formed as an effort of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences to prevent and advise campus community, especially in the FPIK UB environment (students, education staff and educators) from sexual violence and bullying.
Board of ULTKSP on Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science:
1. Dr. Yuni Kilawati (Head of ULTKSP)
2. Aulia Rahmawati, M.Sc. (Dept. of Education and Advocation)
3. Ekwan Wiratno, M.Si. (Dept. of Bullying)
4. Tian Nur Ma’arifat, M.Sc. (Dept. of Sexual Violence)
5. Edi Satrio Hartanto, S.Pi. (Dept. of Complaint handling and digitization)
6. Student Executive Board of FFMS (Team of Student Complaints and Advo)
If you are a student, in addition to communicating with the team, you can also communicate with your friends below:
Katherina Simanullang (185080601111027, Marine Science)
Agnis V. Riyanto (205080601111015, Marine Science)
Fayza Atia Mahendri (205080301111043, Fisheries Product Technology)
Amira Ludy Rahmadhani (195040201111020, Fisheries Product Technology)
Lailatul M.D.K. Wardani (205080501111033, Aquaculture)
Wanda Suryani Pangestu (195080601111020, Marine Science)
Amalia Nambada (205080107111007, Aquatic Resources Management)
If you know or have experienced bullying or sexually violence, please visit and discuss with our team, or simply fill out this following form: